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New American Ethos

New American Ethos examines the particularities of consumerism and its relationship to the idea of “self-help” within the Western society I’ve grown up in.  I challenge these value systems and behaviors in order to question what constitutes "being healthy'" both psychologically and physically.  By using both activity and passivity along with confrontational and submissive performances, I am able to explore whether or not contemporary health trends are helpful or hurtful to not only myself, but also the larger population.


I have struggled with various labels and diagnoses placed upon both family members and myself, as well as the very real consequences of experiencing disordered eating and distressed mental health. I'm interested in psychological aspects of oneself, and I have long considered the effects of nature/nurture on individuals’ perceptions of themselves and the world around them.  I question why people turn out the way they do.  Specific themes I'm working with in New American Ethos include stunted emotional, cognitive, and personal development due to family dynamics, trauma, and neglect, as well as reclamation of self.

Powder Coated Clip

Covered Girl Clip

Yellow Clip

Replaced Clip

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